Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy to help?!

Happy to help

If ever I've read anything fanciful and incredible, it is this article!  I wonder if the authors of this article live in an alternative world from mine, in another dimension maybe?  Have they looked around them, spoken to their neighbours and colleagues in the office, for a reality check?  I would dearly love to meet "Delhi-based K-Singh", who had his ref fixed overnight.  Wow, he belongs in a museum, to commemorate a special event.

Service in India is so ridiculously bad, there is no words for me to describe it.  And now of course I have to put up with a call centre, Vijay, Asha, Johnny or Mustafa (You have to admit they are undiscriminating), telling me how they are so pleased to help me, and not knowing anything about my dashed complaint, beyond the complaint number.

OK, OK, so I'm dealing in generalities.  You want specifics?  

A neighbour of mine had a Samsung fridge that conked, and there was no service in sight, until an NRI relation threatened to sue.  then a replacement unit quickly arrived.

A dear friend in Bangalore had a  Whirlpool ref and had to finally call up the Gurgaon head office before the thing was fixed.  Time taken?  More than a month.

My in-laws' Whirlpool microwave packed up.  They are on an AMC, and guess what, a month has passed, and it has not been fixed.  The call centre promises everyday that today is the day the mechanic arrives, I promise, I promise.  but of course the day passes with no such luck.  The company website has a complaint email id to which we have sent n number of emails, and HAVE GOT NO RESPONSE.  Of course, there are no branch office numbers in the website.  And of course we haven't received any stand by unit.
Rajiv Kapur of Whirlpool makes another point. The customer, he says, is not only demanding, but also does not do anything on his own, “not even change the plug socket, unlike in the West”. And probably he expects it to be done free. “So, for a company, after-sales service has become a very important touch point with the consumer. We actually give world-class service,” he insists.
What a laugh!

Jet Airways has provided great customer service, (and we are no special Gold, Platinum category), in the three or four times we've need something out of the unusual, and our Standard Chartered helpline is competent.

But God forbid you need to deal with Airtel....I could write reams about them.

I invite you to have you consumer catharsis...write in with your rants or praises.  I'm already feeling better after writing this.


Gowri Mohanakrishnan said...

Consumer catharsis - a neat phrase.
I like, I like. I'm all for joining Ambik's Army.

Chandana said...

How useless/ effective are consumer courts/ What would it take to establish a Better Business Bereau like in the US?

islandgal246 said...

hah hah don't you realize that these days the customer is the enemy. I am tired of begging and paying too in my part of the world ...Barbados. Service these days is a myth and is more like lip service is all you get. That is why I shop online in the USA. I get my stuff shipped and I pay the government their duties even though I feel they poke me hard in the eye. I don't have to go look for parking, deal with rude sales people. I can shop at any time of day and night in whatever mode of dress I am in even in my birthday suit. I can go around the store and pick up anything I like and put into my basket. If I think it cost too much I can eliminate what I don't need or empty the basket without any recrimination. I seldom make any bad purchases because I read the customer reviews. Until the consumer recognizes his power and the merchant the importance of the consumer it will continue. I only buy locally if the price is less than what I will pay to ship it in. When I receive good service I compliment the merchant and tell them to continue the good work. When I get bad service I make a lot of noise so much my husband is very reluctant to go anywhere with me. Many times I just tell them off and leave and swear never to shop there again. But that is impossible on a small island LOL. Keep the heat on!

Anonymous said...

Airtel................ O I know what itis like !!!

Venkatesh, Tuticorin